Market Sentiments – Will Singapore Property Market Turn?

Gloomy outlook? Hmm. Photo credit: hsalnat, Flickr
Gloomy outlook? Hmm. Photo credit: hsalnat, Flickr

Everyone is asking the same question with regards to the current financial market as Singapore Exchange (SGX) seem to be volatile with no directions.

Greece/ Europe Situation

With over 54 billion euros in debt, Greece as alongside with Spain and Portugal sent a shock wave to the global economy to end Singapore Exchange’s bullish streak from over 3,000 index point back to the 2,700 point in a matter of 1 week.

This highlights the fragility of the Euro dollar and its economy with 16 countries of the EU zone tied to one currency. As there’s no solution to Greece’s pressing issues at this stage, the world economy’s eyes will be watching and following tightly.

Here’s how the Greece problem happened. Continue reading “Market Sentiments – Will Singapore Property Market Turn?”